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    BSEC Library configuration (ESP8266 and BME680)

    BSEC Library configuration (ESP8266 and BME680)

    New Poster


    i'va managed to get the BSEC library running on a ESP8266 with a BME680

    What i could not manage was the configuration of the library (oversampling, heater configuration and so on), so i gave a look around but i need someone to confirm what i understood:

    - configuration options: almost none (can't change oversampling, can't change heater configuration)

    - period configuration: almost none (3 seconds - LP - or 5 minutes - ULP)

    - ULP plus is not triggering an async reading, but adding a sensor to the next timed reading


    So, briefly, i can't change the reading period and i can't take advantage of all the other configuration of the chip

    is that right?

    my problem is that any other BME680 library i tried is not working properly (it breaking up after some seconds or minutes, with locked values or just exceptions)



    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    I believe your statements are correct. It is strongly recommended to use a fixed sampling rate with the BME680 for optimal performance, and the BSEC library offers two modes that we believe cover most use-cases, but are not very customizable. I would like to add that BSEC is capable of running temperature/pressure/humidity in LP modes (3s) while running the gas sensor in ULP (300s) too.


