10-05-2023 06:58 PM
I am using silicon lab erf32xg22 board with cortex m33 and Bosch BME-680 I have ported the drivers into my project and I m getting readings from the sensor.
I linked the static library, added bsec_integration.c and I can read the version of the lib I m using the bsec_iot_example.c as reference, but my code get stuck one the function bsec_set_configuration it frezzes there and nothing is hapening(Using the bsec_config_iaq from bme680_iaq_33v_3s_4d).
The only thing I didnt implement are the state_load and state_save function.
Must they be Implemented?
10-06-2023 03:03 AM
10-06-2023 12:14 PM
Hi @Minhwan
I tried first with BSEC_SAMPLE_RATE_LP still the same issue. I m still not sure If I need to implement the state_save and state_load functions could be this causing the problem? I tried also your bsec_integration.c same problem.This is my main.c
10-06-2023 11:04 PM
Hi @suads ,
No, you don't have to use load, store state at this point.
Could you share your data log using logic analyzer?
Thank you.
10-07-2023 09:03 PM
Hi @Minhwan
I m sorry but I dont have a logic analayzer but I made some progress it seems to be a bug, but not sure. While debuging the code, it comes to the work_buffer when it is created and then my code goes into a deafult handler (infitnite loop). While going through the forum I came to this post https://community.bosch-sensortec.com/t5/MEMS-sensors-forum/Bug-in-BSEC-BSEC-integration-c/td-p/1085... but didnt fix my issue. So I tried to dynamically allocate the memory and it was working it fixed the issue. I need a little bit of test to check the values.
But thanks, regards suad