08-05-2022 02:08 PM
When it will become available?
08-17-2022 04:06 AM
Hi NextBrainsSrl,
You could download BME AI-Studio Server from here: https://www.bosch-sensortec.com/software-tools/software/bme688-software/
08-18-2022 07:37 PM
I've tried to install the AI Studio Server downloaded from the Bosch Download page as you suggested but when I launch it I get the following error:
./bst-bme-aistudio-server: ./bst-bme-aistudio-server: cannot execute binary file
My system is Ubuntu 20.04.
08-30-2022 09:41 AM
Hi NextBrainsSrl,
Use the command to set file bst-bme-aistudio-server executable, and then run the file bst-bme-aistudio-server.
chmod +x bst-bme-aistudio-server
11-17-2022 05:27 PM
Looks like the download is not available anymore...no more reference to Linux !
Any help?
12-15-2022 08:43 AM
Hi pficheux,
Sorry for the inconvenience. Previous BME AI-Studio Server download link was removed.