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    Bmi088 Accele is abnormal. Gyro is normal.

    Bmi088 Accele is abnormal. Gyro is normal.

    New Poster

    I used spi to drive bmi088, and found that the three-axis value of the acceleration obtained was wrong, and the gyroscope was normal.And after debugging, it was found that the acceleration part could not be written into any configuration, but the gyroscope was all normal. Before setting up the configuration, I used the following configuration to power up the acceleration. 

    bmi088_dev.accel_cfg.power = BMI08X_ACCEL_PM_ACTIVE;
    rslt = bmi08a_set_power_mode (& bmi088_dev);

     Am I missing something? How to solve this problem?

    2 REPLIES 2

    New Poster

    It is worth noting that when I turn on the acceleration power and perform the following configuration

    bmi088_dev.read_write_len = 32;
    rslt = bmi088_apply_config_file(&bmi088_dev);

    The return result is BMI08X_E_CONFIG_STREAM_ERROR.   What does this mean?

    Hi June6,

    Did you find the solution for the problem? Same issue here.

    Regards Felix
