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    Bosch User Guide Example

    Bosch User Guide Example

    New Poster


    I'm new to the BMA456 accelerometer and would like to better understand this example provided on the Bosch website. The website refers to BoschSensortec / BMA456-Sensor-API in GitHub from where source and header files can be downloaded as I have done. The same page includes a User Guide with the following recommended Initializing Sequence:

    uint16_t main(void) {
    uint16_t rslt = BMA4_OK;
    uint8_t init_seq_status = 0;

    /* Declare an instance of the BMA456 device */
    struct bma4_dev dev;

    /* Modify the parameters */
    dev.dev_addr = BMA4_I2C_ADDR_PRIMARY;
    dev.interface = BMA4_I2C_INTERFACE;
    dev.bus_read = USER_i2c_read;
    dev.bus_write = USER_i2c_write;
    dev.delay = USER_delay_ms;
    dev.read_write_len = 8;
    dev.resolution = 12;
    dev.feature_len = BMA456_FEATURE_SIZE;

    /* a. Reading the chip id. */
    rslt |= bma456_init(&dev);

    /* b. Performing initialization sequence.
    c. Checking the correct status of the initialization sequence.
    rslt |= bma456_write_config_file(&dev);

    return rslt;

    struct bma4_dev is defined in one of the associated header files, bma4_defs.h, but the struct in that file has no member named 'dev_addr'. And there are other similar examples where the examples in the User Guide don't match the provided files.

    How is this User Guide intended to be used ?

    5 REPLIES 5

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello ,

    Sensor API included "bma4_defs.h, bma4.h, bma4.c, bma456.c and bma456.h" files, bma4_common.c called funtion from sensor API, demostrated how to use sensor API.
