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    Clarification required for three different accuracy values from bsx lite library

    Clarification required for three different accuracy values from bsx lite library

    Established Member

    Hello,   I am using BSX Lite library on BMF055.     

    There are three different functions returning accuracy values related to orientation/magnetometer.


    - bsx_get_magcalibaccuracy

    - bsx_get_orient_datastatus

    - bsx_get_magcalibprofile  (returns a structure with 'accuracy' member)


    There are many instances where each of these accuracy values don't match.   All three with three different values.

    In one of the instances  - 

    - value from bsx_get_orient_datastatus is 3

    - value from bsx_get_magcalibprofile is 0

    - value from bsx_get_magcalibaccuracy is 2


    My understanding is that all these values should match.     They are called around the same time.

    Can you please clarify?


    2 REPLIES 2

    Established Member

    Any clarification/help would be appreciated.

    bsx_get_magcalibaccuracy and the accuracy from bsx_get_magcalibprofile should be the same. If it is less than 3/3, I would personally not trust this heading too much. Once it reaches 3/3, it should only get out of a calibrated state if there is a magnetic disturbance.

    bsx_get_orient_datastatus is a bit different since it takes into account also the gyroscope and accelerometer. This is more likely to be <3, but if you are interested in heading accuracy, the magnetometer accuracy indicator is what you need.


    @janakiram wrote:

    My understanding is that all these values should match.     They are called around the same time.

    "around the same time" doesn't really mean much. Like I said earlier, if the mag accuracy does not stay at 3/3, you should find a better placement for the sensor without disturbances.
