11-02-2023 05:44 AM
I cannot connect Application board 3.0 and development desktop 2.1 via bluetooth.
But I can connect Application board 2.0 and development desktop 2.1 via bluetooth.
Could you please help me to solve this issue?
Solved! Go to Solution.
12-21-2023 07:57 AM
Thank you for your help.
I tried to run "update_bootloader.bat", but not improve.
I tried the following 3 patterns.
Could you please confirm that the method is correct or not?
Current Board status:cannot connect via USB and BLE.
- USB:Run "mingw32-make" and ".\accel.exe", Result:cannot connect
- BLE:Run "ble_NUS.py", Result:not found MAC address
Trial 1
1)Run "update_bootloader.bat", Green LED ON
2)Power off -> Power on, Red LED ON
Result:cannot connect via USB and BLE.
- USB:Run "mingw32-make" and ".\accel.exe", Result:cannot connect
- BLE:Run "ble_NUS.py", Result:not found MAC address
Trial 2
1)Download FW of USB connection mode by using the following command
mingw32-make LOCATION=FLASH TARGET=MCU_APP30 download
mingw32-make LOCATION=RAM TARGET=MCU_APP30 download
2)Power off -> Power on, Red LED ON
3)Run "update_bootloader.bat", Green LED ON
4)Power off -> Power on, Red LED ON
Result:cannot connect via USB and BLE.
- USB:Run Development Desktop 2.1, Result:cannot connect
- BLE:Run "ble_NUS.py", Result:not found MAC address
Trial 3
1)Run "update_bootloader.bat", Green LED ON
2)Power off -> Power on, Red LED ON
3)Download FW of USB connection mode by using the following command
mingw32-make LOCATION=FLASH TARGET=MCU_APP30 download
mingw32-make LOCATION=RAM TARGET=MCU_APP30 download
4)Power off -> Power on, Red LED ON
Result:cannot connect via USB and BLE.
- USB:Run Development Desktop 2.1, Result:cannot connect
- BLE:Run "ble_NUS.py", Result:not found MAC address
12-21-2023 04:56 PM
Sorry. Please try to double click the bat file at "C:\COINES\v2.8.8\firmware\app3.0\update_dd_fw.bat". This should resolve the issue.
12-22-2023 08:44 AM
Additional question.
Now, when use "ble_NUS.py", we can get 100 samples data via BLE.
How to change the number of sample?
And, is it possible to change to start/stop command to get samples via BLE?
Customer want to get the sampling data anytime via BLE.
12-22-2023 06:06 PM
The limit of 100 samples is defined in C:\COINES\v2.8.8\examples\bmi270\bmi270_examples\accel\accel.c file for example. If you want to increase samples, you can change the limit or simply use "while(1)" infinite loop.
12-25-2023 10:28 AM
Thank you for your support!
I tried to change the below value.
/* Variable to define limit to print accel data. */
uint16_t limit = 100;
When limit value is 254 or less, number of sample data is equal to limit value.(ex, limit value is 200, number of samle data is 200.)
When limit value is 255 or more, number of sample data become infinite loop.
Is this result correct?