09-22-2020 02:12 PM
09-22-2020 05:33 PM
Thanks for your inquiry.
BMP388 has been factory trimmed, calibrated and tested before shipping to the market. If the calibration parameters in the NVM are corrupted, then this BMP388 part cannot be used. NVM is not accessible to the users to write any value into it.
After BMP388 is powered on, the calibration parameters in the NVM will be loaded in internal registers automatically. If the power-on-reset (POR) is not done properly, there may be some corruption happening during the NVM loading. Only power cycling will solve the issue, not the soft-reset. How did you know that the NVM is corrupted?
09-23-2020 08:00 AM
How can the corruption of NVM be detected
09-23-2020 11:42 AM
09-23-2020 05:25 PM
Thanks. Could you please let us know how you configured BMP388 and what you did so that you got config_error in register 0x02? We would like to reproduce this issue on our side to find out the root cause.