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    Different Readings of Gas Resistance for BME688 Using with different MCU

    Different Readings of Gas Resistance for BME688 Using with different MCU


    Hello everyone!
    I am working on a project to interface BME688  with nrf52 chip, I am using BSEC lib v2.
    I am able to read data from the sensor, to validate my data whether I have corrently interface the sensor or not, for this reason I have used another MCU ESP 32S , A example code is provided in library pakage I have used the example code. 
    while comparing the data for two MCU's  from the sensor, strangely I found that all the readings are similar except Gas Resistance. 

    as you will see in screen shot.
    The ouput for both MCU is attached here with question.

    I found that ESP-32S showing high gas resistance compare to the NRF52.

    bsec_serilized_configuration_iaq.h is used for both MCU's.

    I am unable to find the reason for this, what could be the possible for reason for this conflict?

    Debug output:

    output variance.jpg

    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi msalmankhan,

    You can see IAQ accuracy is 1 from your output.
    It need some time to finish the calibration until accuracy reach to 3.

    BSEC accuracy.png
