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    Documentation for the sensor calibration in parameter page 2

    Documentation for the sensor calibration in parameter page 2


    There is a calibration calib_profile_example.c example in the BHY SDK but it is not documented by any datasheet (in my case, the BHI160).

    The code at the link below shows the struct ts_calibparam and how to read it but not how to interpret the fields. For example, what is the meaning of the "radius" field for an accelerometer calibration?

    2 REPLIES 2

    * @brief Sensor configuration
    * This structure holds calib profile informations
    typedef struct
    s16 x_offset; /** 3-axis offset */
    s16 y_offset; /** 3-axis offset */
    s16 z_offset; /** 3-axis offset */
    s16 radius; /** radius */

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    These parameters are generated by sensor itself during the calibration thread running in background.

    User can read out the offset and radius value after system calbration level goes to 3.  then stored in system ROM area. 

    Next time when system power up,  user can restore those calibration parameters back to sensor to speed up the sensor calibration procedure. 

    That is the reason we don't give document to explain the detail meaning of those structure in datasheet
