03-03-2021 10:03 AM
Hi all,
I am new to this group.
We have done basic testing with BME680 and have checked air quality and all.
Now we would like to convert it into indoor air quality check product.
I have tried to find recommanded guide for choosing enclosure and any best mounting practice inside enclosure.
Also can this result be in combination used with HVAC control to get better air quality.
Please guide me how to move forward in above two scenarios.
Lalit Shah
03-03-2021 01:58 PM
Dear Bosche Techincal team;
I have same inquiry. Please help providing the answer.
03-06-2021 03:40 AM
Hello Guys,
There were some documents on the following link for your reference.
BST-BME680-AN014: Application note
BST-BME680-HS000: Handling, soldering & mounting instructions
White paper: Air quality measurement gets personal with advanced PM2.5 and VOC sensor technologies