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    How do you initialize BME280 for I2C

    How do you initialize BME280 for I2C

    New Poster

    Hi, i want to readout the data of my BME280 environment sensor but somehow i don't get any results. I only found, that you have to connect CSB to VDDIO, for I2C to be active and pulled SDO to GND.

    What else do i have to do?

    Thanks for your support! 🙂

    3 REPLIES 3

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello nicoheggli,

    For BME280 I2C hardware connection, you could refer the following diagram froom BME280 datasheet.

    BME280 I2C interface.png

    For BME280 SW driver, you could refer github link.


    Thanks, I've already made the hardware connections but I still have trouble with initializing the sensor. Which values have to be set for the sensor to be initialized?


    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello nicoheggli,

    You  could use the driver code and example code in github.
