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    How to adapt Bosch Sensor API's to use with STM32?

    How to adapt Bosch Sensor API's to use with STM32?

    Established Member

    I have two Bosch sensors model BMI160 and BMP388. I am trying to use these sensors with my STM32 based NUCLEO board. I am using CubeIDE and C to code STM32.

    Bosch has APIs for its sensors and they are pretty detailed. However, as far as I understand, a wrapper needs to be written in order to provide I2C or SPI connection.

    Let me give an example from BMP388. Besides the main .c and .h files of the API, there are common.c and common.h files. As far as I understand interface communication happens via these files. In the standard version, "coines" protocol is used, but I need to convert it to STM32 HAL I2C communication for both sensors.

    For the BMP388 I created something like this:

    BMP3_INTF_RET_TYPE bmp3_i2c_read(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t * reg_data, uint32_t len, void * intf_ptr);
    BMP3_INTF_RET_TYPE bmp3_i2c_write(uint8_t reg_addr,
    const uint8_t * reg_data, uint32_t len, void * intf_ptr);
    uint8_t GTXBuffer[512], GRXBuffer[2048];
    int8_t SensorAPI_I2Cx_Read(uint8_t subaddress, uint8_t * pBuffer, uint32_t ReadNumbr, void * intf_ptr) {
    uint8_t dev_addr = * (uint8_t * ) intf_ptr;
    uint16_t DevAddress = dev_addr << 1;
    // send register address
    HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit( & I2C_HANDLE, DevAddress, & subaddress, 1, BUS_TIMEOUT);
    HAL_I2C_Master_Receive( & I2C_HANDLE, DevAddress, pBuffer, ReadNumbr, BUS_TIMEOUT);
    return 0;
    int8_t SensorAPI_I2Cx_Write(uint8_t subaddress, uint8_t * pBuffer, uint32_t WriteNumbr, void * intf_ptr) {
    uint8_t dev_addr = * (uint8_t * ) intf_ptr;
    uint16_t DevAddress = dev_addr << 1;
    GTXBuffer[0] = subaddress;
    memcpy( & GTXBuffer[1], pBuffer, WriteNumbr);
    // send register address
    HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit( & I2C_HANDLE, DevAddress, GTXBuffer, WriteNumbr + 1, BUS_TIMEOUT);
    return 0;

    But I have no idea how to edit common.c and common.h to be able to run this function.

    6 REPLIES 6

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello DroneKid,

    It seems you discuss same topic in, you could continue to discuss in that topic.

    Established Member

    Hi, yes, I asked a similar question on that subject. However, I thought this new topic I opened was a more general question.

    I'm trying to understand the Bosch Sensor API system, sorry if I did anything against the forum rules.

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello DroneKid,

    Welcome to ask question in community. I mean you could ask similar question in one topic, then reduce repetitive discussions. Bosch sensortec community an open forum with no special rules.
    I tested read sensor data example on STM32F401 for your reference. You could see attached reference code and the following test restu, it work well.

    BMP390_SPI read sensor data.pngBMP390_I2C read sensor data.png

    Established Member

    Thank you for the answer. I see you used RTOS format, correct?

    I can also adapt this code to BMI160, right?
