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    How to detect crash using BMI 323?

    How to detect crash using BMI 323?

    New Poster


    I'm trying to detect crash using bmi 323.

    I used anymotion feature but it doesn't work as I thought

    I think when crash occurs, imu's accelerometer may be 4g.  

    therefore I set registers below


    // use feature engine

    FEATURE_IO2 = 0x012C

    FEATURE_IO_STATUS = 0x0001

    FEATURE_CONTROL = 0x0001

    // normal mode on

    ACCL_CONF = 0x42a8 //acc_mode = normal mode, bw : odr/4, acc_range : 8g, acc_odr :100Hz

    GYRO_CONF = 0x0000

    // any motion setting

    EXT_ANYMO_1 = 0x1800 // acc_thres : 4g

    FEATURE_IO0 = 0x0038 // any motion x,y,z int enable

    FEATURE_IO_STATUS = 0x0001

    // interrupt

    INT_MAP1 = 0x0004 // interrupt mapping, any motion out: INT1

    IO_INT_CTRL = 0x0005 // INT1 active high, push-pull, enable

    GEN_SET_1 = 0x0011 // event report mode enable, interrupt hold time duration : 40ms


    it doesn't work. there's no interrupt while I swing board with imu

    if acc_thres is under 10/512g, interrupt happen

    I don't understand why this works like that

    plz help me. I want to detect crash using  bmi 323


    6 REPLIES 6

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    Thanks for your inquiry.

    In your code you did not configure BMI323 accel slope (any-motion) interrupt threshold. Please refer to Github example at for more information.


    sorry but I don't get it

    in EXT.ANYMO_1 register, I set slope_thres as 4g and in INT_MAP1 register, I set anymotion out

    plz refer me what register you said. 


    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    Yes, you did set the threshold to 4g, I did not see it. Sorry.

    Let me try your settings on BMI323 shuttle board to see if any-motion interrupt works or not. I will get back to you later.


    As I said, interrupt happens when I set slope_thres as 10/512g in EXT.ANYMO_1.

    I just don't understand why bmi323 is working like that.

    I think that if slope_thres is 10/512g, interrupt happens even though it shake a very little. but in actual situation, interrupt happens when I swing it very hardly.

    plz answer and explain how anymotion works.

    that's the point I don't understand.  
