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    How to interface BME680 with PIC32MK1024GPK064 controller?

    How to interface BME680 with PIC32MK1024GPK064 controller?

    New Poster


    I need to interface BME680 with PIC32MK1024GPK064 but I didn't find the library file for the same.

    Below are the software details:

    MCU detailed type: PIC32MK1024GPK064 and PIC32MK Curiosity Pro Development Board
    IDE version: MPLAB X IDE v5.40
    Compiling options: XC32 v2.41

    Kindly suggest how can I integrate BME680 with the PIC32MK1024GPK064 controller.


    Thank you,

    Ankur Patel

    23 REPLIES 23

    Hello Minhwan,

    Thanks for the BSEC library.

    What is the range for the "breath_voc_equivalent"  and "co2_equivalent" parameter?


    Ankur Patel

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello Ankur, 


    Regarding eCO2 and bVOC, please check table 5 and 18 in BME680 datasheet. 


    Hello Minhwan,

    As per you suggestion I looked at the tables :
    - In table 18 (from datasheet) I didn't found about related to B-VOC/eCO2.

    - In table 5 (from datasheet), mentions the "B-VOC mixture with Nitrogen as carrier gas".
           - I have not found the minimum and maximum limits of B-VOC.

    Ankur Patel

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello Ankur, 


    Here is the details, 

    • bVOCeq estimate: (Range 0.5 - 1000 ppm)
      • The breath VOC equivalent output (bVOCeq) estimates the total VOC concentration [ppm] in the environment. It is calculated based on the sIAQ output and derived from lab tests.
    • CO2eq estimate: (Range 400-... ppm)
      • Estimates a CO2-equivalent (CO2eq) concentration [ppm] in the environment. It is also calculated based on the sIAQ output and derived from VOC measurements and correlation from field studies


