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    How use BMX055 with BSXlite fusion lib for cortex M0?

    How use BMX055 with BSXlite fusion lib for cortex M0?

    New Poster

    I am an engineer at DVC-CO and we will lanch a new developpment with the BMX055. We need to do a fusion of 3 sensor and for that i will use your fusion.
    I have download the BSXlite_Cortex but there are no version for cortex m0. How can i use your library and a cortex m0? For your information we use stm32f072RBT.

    Best regards

    Henri Dimi

    9 REPLIES 9

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Henri10,

    We have a similar combination of a Cortex-M0 (SAMD20 from Atmel (now Microchip)) and the BMX055 in a single package known as the BMF055. It is a recommended alternate to get started with BSX Lite integration on a Cortex M0.

    Product page of the BMF055 :

    BSX Lite integration guide :

    Additionally, the BMF055 comes preprogrammed with a stock bootloader that supports UART, SPI and I2C host interfaces for loading your application during production.

    All links and references can be found under downloads.



    Established Member

    Would it be possible to run BSX full library on BMF055?     While running BSXlite library, I see that calibration accuracy parameter goes to 0 as soon as I bring some metal object near to BMF055 (i am using shuttle and breakout board).....Is there a way to save and restore calibration parameters/profile?   

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    @janakiram wrote:

    Would it be possible to run BSX full library on BMF055?     While running BSXlite library, I see that calibration accuracy parameter goes to 0 as soon as I bring some metal object near to BMF055 (i am using shuttle and breakout board).....Is there a way to save and restore calibration parameters/profile?   

    Yes indeed. This is already what we do in the BNO055. If you want to use the full BSX library in the BMF055, you will have to sign a Software License Agreement for it. It is possible to use the bsx_get_magcalibprofile and bsx_set_magcalibprofile APIs to manage the magnetometer's calibration.

    Established Member

    Thanks.   How do i sign Software License Agreement to get access to BSX library for BMF055.    Please let me know.
