07-11-2023 04:22 PM
I am looking for a 6-axis (3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope) IMU that shall be used for the dynamic application (inclination sensor application) for mobile heavy-duty machines such as tractors, construction machines, etc. The IMU must have a sensor fusion library and the accuracy should be better than 0.5 degree. Which IMU is recommended for this application?
Best regards.
07-13-2023 06:54 PM
Thanks for your inquiry.
BHI360 is the latest version of our smart sensor that has sensor fusion built-in. You may try to get a shuttle board at https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/bosch-sensortec/shuttle-board-3-0-bhi360/19522586 to do your evaluation to see if it can meet your requirements in heavy duty machines.
07-14-2023 07:54 AM
In our application, the accuracy should be less than 0.5 degrees. According to the product datasheet, your sensor has an accuracy of two degrees. Can we disable the automatic calibration? We can calibrate the sensor at six points (+-1g of each axis) in order to get higher accuracy. Is it possible? For dynamic accuracy what are the test conditions?
Best regards.
07-18-2023 12:35 PM
Is there any progression for the previous reply?