08-05-2021 03:28 PM
I exported the neural Net Coffee_or_Not trained with AI Studio in a .config file (+source files). How this can be used in a BSEC 2.0 library environment for inference, eg. detecting gases the model was trained for? Can you provide some examples/documentation?
08-06-2021 09:27 AM
Hello sallogy ,
Currently, the config file was only used for BME688 Development Kit.
After you exported the neural Net Coffee_or_Not trained with AI Studio in a .config file. Based on config file, do you mean you would like to used it as standalone application in BSEC?
08-30-2021 03:49 PM
yes, I mean exactly this - how the neural net trained with AI Studio and exported as a config file can be used with the BSEC library (or some other software) to do inference. For example, to run on a microcontoller in an air purification device, do gas detection periodically and to send a signal to initiate air purification when a certain type of gas is detected.
09-24-2021 09:40 AM
Hello sallogy,
In "BME AI-Studio document", it supported to export the algorithm as BSEC configuration file. Refer BME688 integration guide document(under "integration_guide" folder as you have downloaded BSEC package) for how to use it in your project.