02-23-2023 12:17 PM - edited 02-23-2023 02:56 PM
I'm using a BMI323 Shuttle Board 3.0 Flyer connected in I²C on an Arduino Uno R3 thanks to a level shifter.
My problem is when I read X, Y or Z axis, the return value sould be between 0 and 65535 (2^16). But my usable range is 49152 -> 16384, the other part (from 16385 to 49151) is never returned, why ?
My accelerometer is setup as follow:
* ODR: 0x000B -> 800Hz
* range: 0x0000 -> 2G
* filtering: 0x0000 -> ODR/2
* average: 0x0600 -> 64 sample
* mode: 0x7000 -> High
So I send 0x760B to the ACC_CONF register.
Thanks ! 🙏
03-09-2023 04:55 AM
Hi dev_gnrb,
If you set BMI323 acc range to 2G, raw data output range should be -16384~+16384.