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    Need Help with Data Drift Issue on BME280 Sensor

    Need Help with Data Drift Issue on BME280 Sensor


    Hi everyone,

    I've been working with the BME280 sensor for a project, but I've run into a bit of a snag and could use some guidance.

    Lately, I've noticed that after running the sensor continuously for a few hours, the data readings start to drift—especially the humidity values. Initially, they’re spot-on, but after some time, the humidity readings start to climb higher than expected. I have been through these resources/articles Introduction To Power BI Desktop and as per them I've double-checked the calibration and even tried different power sources, but the issue persists.

    Has anyone else experienced this kind of data drift with the BME280? If so, what steps did you take to resolve it? I’m wondering if it’s a hardware issue, or if there’s something I’m missing on the software side.

    Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance!

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