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    Nicla Sense ME - I2C Other Sensors

    Nicla Sense ME - I2C Other Sensors

    Established Member

    Hello there,

    I have been trying to wrap my head around the Nicla Sense ME for the past few days, without much luck.

    1. Firstly, the temperature and humidity data seems incorrect.
    2. Secondly, I had to update the firmware by using the GitHub repo in order to get BTEC to work (legacy sensor id issue)
    3. Thirdly, tusing :


    namespace nicla;


    Doesn't actually work, it tells me "nicla is not a namepace-name". So in order to get the led to blink, I have to use the full nicla::leds.begin and nicla::begin().

    Now leaving everything else asside, which by the way if anyone knows why the temps are incorrect please let me know. I am having issues using the I2C, I have an Adafruit SI1145 and MLX90614, both working perfectly fine with 3.3v and I2C on an Arduino Mega. On the Nicle Sense ME, I cannot get the board to identify the sensors.

    If anyone can just show/demonstrate a simple I2C example with any sensor, connected to the Nicla Sense ME, I would be more than happy.

    Thank you!

    12 REPLIES 12

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    You can capture I2C waveform and check the difference between Nicla Sense ME and other Arduino boards.

    I do not have acces to a scope right now. Using a simple I2C scanner can not find my sensor (NEO-M8N and NEO-M9N). Using:

    #define WIRE Wire1
    will find two adresses non of which are my GPS (perhaps other onboard sensors?)

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi yaghini,

    The previous code is an example of how to use I2C to access peripherals, and of course you need to replace the example code from the device address with the device address based on the I2C address of the GPS or other sensor.

    Did you read my post? Which part indicates that my question is about how to use I2C?

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi yaghini,

    1. Firstly ensure host could send out I2C waveform normally;
    2. Secondly ensure host access correct I2C slave address.
