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    Nicla Sense ME: Operator new out of memory with Arduino_BHY2 v1.0.7

    Nicla Sense ME: Operator new out of memory with Arduino_BHY2 v1.0.7



    I was uploading one of my project on a Nicla Sense ME and I got this message:

    Module: 1
    Error Message: Operator new out of memory
    Location: 0x4ABF5
    Error Value: 0x4
    Current Thread: main Id: 0x20003168 Entry: 0x1D337 StackSize: 0xC00 StackMem: 0x200067C8 SP: 0x2000732C 

    I never saw this error before during the previous uploads. I then finally sort out that the problem is the new version of the Arduino_BHY2 library (1.0.7) that was released last week. In fact, the problem is solved when I use the version 1.0.6. 

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