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    Not been able to get BMI270 up and running.

    Not been able to get BMI270 up and running.

    New Poster

    Hi all,


    I am writing an application for interacting with bmi270 imu sensor on linux. The following steps are my attempts.


    1. I'm implementing HAL for a BMI270 library from BoschSensortec/BMI270-Sensor-API: This respository contains Bosch Sensortec's BMI270 inertial measur...

    2. In i2c read and write function implementation, I logged the register address, length and data for debugging purposes.

    3. I try compiling the example from the library: bmi270_examples/accel_gyro/accel_gyro.c , but I can't get the data back.

    4. I attached a relevant HAL implementation, application code and log files for more information.


    If you need more details, please feel free to inform me.


    Thank you so much in advance,


    3 REPLIES 3

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi nataphonk, 


    Thanks for your question. 


    I saw your log and your initialization got as 0x03 which is invalid driver. It was supposed to be 0x01 which is okay. 

    Can you capture your data using logic analyzer and share the data? 

    I assume there is some wrong point when you download config file. 

    Did you download 8KB config file at once?

    Thank you. 

    Hi Minhwan,


    I finally got it working by reducing page bytes down to 2K and bmi->read_write_len down to 1k. The register 0x21 status is now 0x01.


    Thanks you so much,


    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Good to hear that 🙂 
