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    Nrf52832 driver bmm350 no response issue

    Nrf52832 driver bmm350 no response issue

    New Poster

    Hi BOSCH,

    It is possible to successfully drive bmm350 with stm32f103cb, but nrf52833 has been unable to read the id and writing 0x28 has been receiving an ack signal, but other sensors on its iic bus are readable. Can Bosch provide drivers for Nordic?

    6 REPLIES 6

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi wfagly,

    BMM350 is a standard I2C slave device. From your description, the problem is related to the host driver code of nrf52833. We do not have a hardware platform for nrf52833 to test. You can capture the I2C waveform with logic anlyser, compare it with the normal waveform on STM32, and analyze the differences between them.

    Hi, did you ever resolve this issue? I am facing the same issue with NRF52840. Sending a simple write command and getting no acknkowledge from BMM350 (NACK), using slave address 0x14 (ADSEL=LOW). Everything looks ok from logic analyzer (sending write to 0x14 slave adrress followed by NACK)

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi john20394,

    1.You can check what is BMM350 I2C address you used?


    2.Refer to BMM350 example code on github, migrate it to your host platform.


    I'm using 0x14 slave address, as PSEL=0. I'm experiencing odd behaviour, just trying to read device ID register, the BMM350 responds with ACK, but response data from any register is always 0x00. I will attach scope shots soon but could there be any reason for this? 




