01-30-2021 10:05 PM
Obtaining erroneous 100% humidity readings on all BME280 sensors after a few days of use.
02-02-2021 03:25 AM
Hello rinaldoamaral,
After few days use, does the humidity value keep 100% and never change?
02-11-2021 04:02 PM
I'm facing the same issue with my outdoor sensor. The Humidity is stuck at 100% most of time. If the temperaure goes up - like around noon - it goes down for some short time until the temperature goes down again and the Humidity jumps back to 100%. See image attached, blue line is the outdoor sensor. The other lines are indoor sensors build from BME680 or DHT22.
I'm using ESPEasy on a Wemos D1 mini with the sensor connected through I2C - see https://github.com/letscontrolit/ESPEasy/blob/mega/src/src/PluginStructs/P028_data_struct.cpp
Thanks for looking into this.
02-12-2021 05:38 PM
05-18-2021 08:39 AM
Hello Tom72,
Did you have more device to test them?