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    Other Programming Options for Nicla Sense ME

    Other Programming Options for Nicla Sense ME

    Established Member


    I have a weird issue with the USB port of Arduino Nicla Sense ME. I cannot read the com port nor can I upload programs to it.  However, the sensor itself and ports are working correctly. I confirmed this by USB to the Serial Converter and also by connecting the Portenta H7 to it.

    My current question is, how can I upload a program by using an external programmer device? Because I can see other programmer device options in Arduino IDE. Can anyone tell me which programmer device to connect to and how to use it? I could not find any info about it on the internet.

    Thanks before.

    4 REPLIES 4

    Established Member

    Don't buy the Nicla series device if you can. Or at least, don't rely on it. Before, I needed a previous version of Bosch AI Studio software, which caused me to waste 1.5 months asking anyone to send it to me and no one helped me in this forum. Now, 2 weeks left to my master's thesis, the USB port has become unresponsive (of this 90 EUR device) and I can't even find an answer on the whole internet to a simple question like how I can connect an external programmer to it. Because of this, I cannot finish my master's thesis on time and cannot publish a paper on a journal.

    This device is very powerful from a hardware functionality side, but the software and community support is very weak.

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Eldar,

    Thanks for your inquiry.
    Nicla Sense ME board integrates nRF52832, do you want to program nRF52832 with ARM CMSIS-DAP?

    Established Member


    Yes, please. I am sure the MCU itself working correctly, but something is wrong with the USB port or the integrated debugger. I want to check it with an external programmer.

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Eldar,

    This is schematic of Nicla Sense ME
    You can program nRF52832 using the SWD interface accoring the description in Nicla Sense ME schematic.

    Regarding the use of nRF52832 MCU software, we are not experts in nRF52832. You need to find some knowledge or support from Nordic or Arduino forums.
