06-11-2019 11:29 PM
Hi there, we have the BNO055 USB kit here.
We would like to estimate the relative position of the tip of a large stylus sized object to within 1mm. The ASSN is to be embedded in the body of the stylus and the software will double integrate the acceleration and also use the gyro/magnetometer to extrapolate the tip position.
The stylus is moved very gently (held by hand) over an area of approximately 30cm x 30cm x 10cm and drift (of the extrapolated tip x,y,z position) must not exceed 5 mm over a 30 second period. The device can be re-calibrated and zeroed to an origin point every 30s or less.
Which mode(s) of operation would you recommend for this application?
06-12-2019 02:00 AM
Please use 9DoF mode for your application when you evaluate BNO055.