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    Reverse detection for Vehicle Video-Recorder

    Reverse detection for Vehicle Video-Recorder

    Long-established Member


    I am searching for a solution for detecting "Reverse" for vehicle video-recorder(black box).

    Could you let me know which is the best part of it?

    Best Regards,

    5 REPLIES 5

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    I'm not able to get your point here.

    Can you give me more detail what you are looking for? 

    Do you want to find a solution to decoding the black box for vehicle video recording box? 

    Or you want to find a solution to detect the motion of the car then trigger vieo recording?

    Long-established Member

    Hi Vincent,


    Sorry about that. 

    I'm looking for a part to detect the reverse direction. For example, when I drive a car, I believe the accelerometer or gyro can detect the forward and reverse direction.

    So I want to know which is the best solution between acc and gyro for detecting the direction?


     Best Regards,

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    OK,  now i understand.  you want to detect the deceleration of vehicles. 

    I will say using IMU will be able to achieve this target. 

    The linear acceleration sensor can be used for this purpose which is sensor fusion of accel and gyro data. 


    Long-established Member

    Thanks for your help.

    Is there any way to get the fusion algorithm for that?

    Best Regards,

