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    Selection of pressure sensor atmosphere to vacuum of 13,800Pa

    Selection of pressure sensor atmosphere to vacuum of 13,800Pa

    New Poster

    Hi I am new to the community and seeking help on the selection of a suitable pressure sensor.

    We (Smartline Medical) manufacture medical endoscope drying systems in Australia and export our product to many countries.

    We have a drying cabinet at room pressure (1 Atmosphere) - to create airflow we use mild vacuum to draw air through an endoscope internal tubes to dry them.

    Cabinet pressure - Room pressure

    The vacuum level of the system is -13800 Pa (Sucking air through 7 small <1-3mm diameter> tubes in each endoscope) - has its own vacuum sensor 

    We compare the system vacuum with each sensor in the air flow of each port connected. (PD Pressure Differential).

    The issue: We have tried MEMS sensors by another brand MS5840-02BA Te Connectivity (Circuit board mounted sensors x70 items per drying cabinet) - we have experienced a lot of sensor failures after about 2-3 months of operation in the feild, despite significant harsh testing in our factory.

    Appears the sensor failed under slight constant vacuum.

    Our aim is to individually measure Differential Pressure between the system vacuum (-13,800Pa Constant system vacuum) and the pressure resitance of each tube connected to the system (Via a 7 port manifold and 7 pressure sensors board mounted with the board on the room side of the vacuum manifold to create a pressure differential).  The reason is to detect connection of each hose, disconnection of each hose or any variation of flow during drying - then an operator can be notified to check connection if needed.

    Notes - At initial connection there is some water droplets passing, but not flooding the sensors. essentially dry again in a few minutes. No known chemistry - just water droplets

    We use an i2C method - have been getting extremely high erroneous pressure readings on failing sensors - About 3% failure or more which is an issue when we have 70 sensors per drying cabinet unit.

    Any recommendations please - I have tried emailing Bosh but no response thus far - three days ago.

    Help Please - see attached PDF

    Will Smart


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