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    Tap Detection on Multiple Axes with BMI270 - Limitations and Solutions?

    Tap Detection on Multiple Axes with BMI270 - Limitations and Solutions?

    New Poster


    I'm working on a project where I need to detect taps on both the sides and the top of a cylindrical object using an accelerometer. Here's the axis configuration I believe is necessary:

    Z-axis: For detecting taps on the top of the cylinder.
    X-axis: For taps on the sides (left/right).
    Y-axis: For taps on the sides (front/back).

    However, after reading the BMI270 datasheet, I discovered a limitation: the tap detection interrupt can only be configured for one axis at a time (X, Y, or Z). This is outlined on page 6 of the register map, specifically register 0x34.

    Additionally, there are two interrupt pins available (INT1 and INT2), but it seems there's no way to configure each pin for a different axis for tap detection. Has anyone faced a similar issue? Is there a workaround or alternative IMU sensor that allows tap detection on multiple axes simultaneously?

    FEATURE Page 5 & 6 datasheet:

    Thanks in advance!


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