01-05-2024 12:54 PM
i am curently working on pressure measurments with the help of BMP581
i have designed PCB board with I2C connection and will read the BMP581 pressure sensor data in arduino nano
need Diiferenciate pressure value from one BMP581 sensor and two BMP 581 sensor
is it possible to connect both BMP581 sensor in one arduino nano board by changing SCL and SDA pin address
if anyone has solution kindly revert soon
Thank you
01-06-2024 01:35 AM
Thanks for your inquiry.
Yes, you can connect two BMP581 sensors on the same I2C bus of Arduino Nano. You only need to tie one BMP581's SDO pin to VDDIO and the other BMP581's SDO pin to GND. Then you will have two different I2C slave addresses for two BMP581 sensors as shown below.
01-10-2024 09:15 AM - edited 01-29-2024 10:24 AM
Thank you for solution