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    algobsec for raspberry pi 3 running Ubuntu 64-bit

    algobsec for raspberry pi 3 running Ubuntu 64-bit


    Hello, I'm building a binary for BME680 on Ubuntu Bionic 64-bit on Raspberry Pi 3. When linking to libalgobsec.a library from BSEC_1.4.7.4_Generic_Release\algo\normal_version\bin\RaspberryPI\PiThree_ArmV8-a-64bits folder, I get an error:

    gcc -O3 -o bsec bsec.c -li2c -L . -l:libalgobsec.a
    /usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible ./libalgobsec.a when searching for -l:libalgobsec.a

    Any ideas?


    PS. When I extract the members from the library and check them, it shows 32-bit, not 64! Where would I get 64-bit library then?

    ar x libalgobsec.a

    file bsec_codegen_data.o
    bsec_codegen_data.o: ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), not stripped

    20 REPLIES 20


    I was not the thread creator, so I'll let them respond. So I would not close this issue until they have a chance to update.

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    One year is gone and still no solution for running the BME680 with 64bit binary on modern RPis.

    Raspberry Pi OS is officially 64-bit distincted since Feb'22.

    Any news concerning this issue?

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    those information are not published on community.  

    please visit, and use the contact form to submit your request.  

    Occasional Visitor

    It's 2023 now... and the library is still 32-bit. Are there any plans to provide a 64-bit version?
