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    bme680 calibration problems.

    bme680 calibration problems.

    New Poster

    I am using a BME680 sensor with an ESP32-S2 for indoor VOC measurement. I am using the latest BSEC2 library and the me680_iaq_33v_300s_28d/bsec_iaq.txt configuration. My problem is that after turning it on, it measures VOC levels in sync with another VOC sensor for about 1-3 hours, but after that, the measurements become increasingly erratic and do not reflect reality. Instead of the actual 50-80 IAQ value, it measures 150-200. Restarting the sensor gives accurate readings for another 1-3 hours.

    It seems that there is an issue with the calibration. Is there a way to disable it? Although it is designed to improve accuracy, it is doing the opposite.

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