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    Established Member

    I am using Huzzaz Adafruit ESP32 with the 8x BME board. trying to get to use the example code in the BSEC2  libaray (basic_config_state) and it does not run. however, the original code that came the board was logging the data. I am trying to debug. Is it possible to get access to the source code bme68x_demo_sample.ino? I am using platformIO and i had to setup to get the BSEC2.0 integrated (i.e Bosch has not provided a BSEC 2.0 libary for platformIO)

    please help. Thanks


    17 REPLIES 17

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello Karthikg ,

    This is a third-party hardware board, we don't have bme68x_demo_sample.ino. You could check it with third-party after you bought HW boards from them.

    Established Member

    Hi Robin,

    pelase see the attached PDF - this is what i purchased. the document is from Bosch


    The sotware that i download only has the binary but not the c-code.  I am having trobule finding documentation on how to access the 8 sensor board here.  I thought having this code would have been very helpful example. this code seems to be automatically logging the data into the micoSD card which the AI studio seems to use. see the insutctions that was listed in that document. 

    1. 1)  Download the dev-kit software from software/

    2. 2)  Copy the *.bmeconfig file on the microSD card

    3. 3)  Place microSD card and CR1220 coin cell into dev-kit board and stack it on the Adafruit board

    4. 4)  Connect the board to PC via micro-USB data cable

    5. 5)  Run “flash.bat” on PC by choosing the right COM port

    I believe this code is from Bosch. In the sw that i downloaded - the bme68x_demo_sample.ino.bin was there. this is what i am requesting.

    Thanks again for your help.



    Established Member

    Apprecaite anyone in the community who has used the BME 8x board and integrated using BSEC 2.0 - i am struggling to make this work. I tired the example to talk to the board (basic_config_state.ino) example and it doesnt seem to be able to talk to the sensor (I get -2 for BME688x status and 0 for the bSEC status).. so i must have something wrong in the setup. hence any documentation on the 8x would have helped.

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello Karthikg,

    1.It was binary file bme68x_demo_sample.ino.bin after you doanloaded BME688 development kit software. If you want to design a project and need source code, for your further requests, you could visit, and use the contact form to submit your request;
    2.To run basic_config_state.ino example code, you could check it with integration guide first.
