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    bno055 disable any motion interrupt

    bno055 disable any motion interrupt

    New Poster

    I would like to disable the any motion interrupt and enable the no motion interrupt.


    Reading the bno055 datasheet this should be possible with INT_EN and/or INT_MSK register. I don't know the difference between these two register, to me it seems like they should be doing the same thing. When i set both registers to 10000000b, i expect the INT pin to trigger only on the no motion interrupt. However, it also trigger the INT pin with an any motion interrupt. 


    Am i misunderstanding these registers? Or am i possibly doing something else wrong?

    3 REPLIES 3

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Hubanl,

    INT_MSK determines whether to enable corresponding interrupt function. For example, any motion or no motion.

    BNO055 INT_EN.png

    INT_MSK determines whether to trigger a change on the INT pin.

    BNO055 INT_MSK.png

    Hey Robin,

    Thank you for your answer.

    So if i set INT_MSK and INT_EN to 10000000b it should only trigger the INT pin with a no/slow motion interrupt right? However, it also triggers the INT pin with an any motion interrupt. Do you have any idea what could be the problem? 

    Also if do not set INT_EN at all (so 00000000b) and INT_MSK to 10000000b it still strigger the INT pin on any motion and no motion interrupts. But the interrupts should be disabled with INT_EN set at 00000000b.

    I already tested a second hardware unit, so i doubt it will be hardware related.

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Hubanl,

    In addition to set INT_MSK and INT_EN to 10000000b, you also need to set SNMN bit to 1.

    SMNM bit.png
