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    bst-bno055-ds000-14 operation in a weightless/space environment with sensor fusion

    bst-bno055-ds000-14 operation in a weightless/space environment with sensor fusion

    Occasional Visitor

    Can the bst-bno055-ds000-14 operate in a weightless/space environment with sensor fusion? My two main concerns are:

    1. Impact of cosmic rays on its function

    2. Whether the sensor fusion algorithm assumes acceleration due to earth gravity is present

    Thank you!

    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    1. Impact of cosmic rays on its function

    I'll check and get back to you soon.

    2. Whether the sensor fusion algorithm assumes acceleration due to earth gravity is present

    In aerospace, which Fusion Mode of BNO055 is your needed? Different fusion algorithm depends on different sensor(accel/gyro/magnatic).

    And, your assumption that earth gravity is still 1g in aerospace?

    Best regards.
