07-12-2022 04:18 AM
Our team is new to BHI260AP and have some questions. So, we are using BHI260AP with a shuttle board 3.0 and an applocation board 3.0 for testing and validation purposes. We use the development desktop 2.0 for testing. It seems that after every power cycle we have to download the firmware to the IMU (either RAM or flash). I was wondering if there are anyways we dont have to repeat this every time. This becomes important as we intend to have our own IMU PCB designed and we need to determine if the firmware will have to flash to the IMU as frequnetly as every power cycle? or there are other ways to do this less frequently? Some clarification as well as suggested solutions would be appreciated.
07-12-2022 04:51 AM
Hi masoodnevisi,
1. When you used BHI260AP with a shuttle board 3.0 and an applocation board 3.0 for testing and validation purposes, you could install COINES software and then you will find example code under folder "C:\COINES\v2.7.0\examples\bhy2\examples", application note "C:\COINES\v2.7.0\doc".
Compile and run example code with the command "mingw32-make LOCATION=FLASH TARGET=MCU_APP30 download", after the program is downloaded once, it will run every time it is powered on.
2. If you would like to design you own PCB, you can refer schematic in BHI260AP data sheet and shuttle board from https://www.bosch-sensortec.com/products/smart-sensors/bhi260ap/, and set the boot mode to standalone mode.
07-12-2022 08:04 PM
Hi BSTRobin
thanks for the quick response. I havent used COINES software. I only used development desktop 2.0. I am going to use that software and follow up if I have any other questions.
I have a follow up question on the second one, to clarify this, so if we design our own PCB and we set the boot mode to standalone, then does that mean the firmware boots only the first time and after that the IMU runs everytime powered on? or it still needs to boot it from the host at every power cycle?
07-13-2022 03:50 AM
Hi masoodnevisi,
BHI260AP can be configured to boot autonomously from an external flash device attached to the QSPI interface of BHI260AP. A precondition for booting from flash is that a valid firmware image is programmed into the flash memory.
05-24-2024 02:58 PM
Hello Can i know when using coines library flashing to the compiled example c file ,is it downloaded to the shuttle board or application 3.0 board?