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    quarternion transferd from bmf055 bsxlite example

    quarternion transferd from bmf055 bsxlite example


    hi, i want to know something about  quarternion  transferd from bmf055 bsxlite example .

    i want to know the quarternion transferd means the transformation from which coordinate system to which coordinate system,

    and I think the transition is from the original  body system to the latest  body system, right?

    3 REPLIES 3

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Blues,

    BSX lite, rotation vector describes a rotation of the device co-ordinate system to the ENU co-ordinate system in the format of the device co-odinate system as a quaternion vector.


    hi,i had the same view before i did a upper computer in matlab.

    and i see the angular variation is influenced by the initial position when BMF055 was on.

    so it is why i think the quarternion transferd from bmf055 bsxlite example as what i said above.




    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    BSX Lite couldn't ouput absolute orientation, so maybe you mentioned transition from body system to body system, just relative movement.

    BSX full version could output absolute orientaiton. The heading value of Euler just like the e-compass, same direction with geomagnetic. The pitch and roll  of Euler transfer from body to body system, refer to gravitational force.

    You can view the link From the BSXlite_LibraryIntegrationGuideline.pdf, maybe you will learn more about BSX Lite.

    Best regards
