05-16-2023 09:04 PM
HI, All
I cannot find the following functions in BMI270 example codes from Bosh. I have to write those functions by myself, right? my understanding is that function of comm_intf_put_u8() is to write a u8 byte to communication buffer. If I leave it as blank, will the software running and get correct result? thanks in advance.
static void comm_intf_put_u8(uint8_t data)
static void comm_intf_put_u16(uint16_t data)
static int16_t comm_intf_send_command(coines_rsp_buffer_t *data)
static void comm_intf_init_command_header(uint8_t dd_set, uint8_t did_inter)
static int16_t comm_intf_open(enum coines_comm_intf coin_intf, coines_board_t *coin_board)
05-16-2023 10:54 PM
Hi @victorheca01,
You need to explain which source base you asked.
Here is the our official BMI270 github.
Other source code in online is not us or probably very old one.
And, in our github, if you don't use our EVM board (app3.0), please use it after removing all coines related functions.
Thank you.
05-17-2023 06:49 PM
Hi, Min
Thank you for your reply.
I use source exactly same as you mentioned. For coines related function, is there a compiler option to remove it out or I have to delete those functions 1 by 1. Thanks.
05-18-2023 01:45 AM
Hi Victor,
If so, where those functions are located in?
You don't need to keep all coines related functions such as coines_board_init.
What you need to do is to remove all coines related functions and put your own interface functions in common.c/h.
05-18-2023 08:38 PM
Thank you. I appreciated your help very much.