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    What's BMI160 accelerometer low power mode?

    Accepted Solution
    Long-established Member

    Can you please explain the BMI160 accelerometer low power mode and how does it work?

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    Long-established Member

    BMI160 accelerometer low power mode is automatically switching between normal mode and suspend mode:

    • If the acc_bw[2:0] bits are set to 0b000, then 2^0 = 1 sample, or one single measurement is made during normal mode and then the sensor is going to suspend mode.
    • If the acc_bw[2:0] bits are set to 0b001, then 2^1 = 2 samples will be averaged during normal mode and then the sensor is going to suspend mode.
    • If the acc_bw[2:0] bits are set to 0b111, then 2^7=128 samples will be averaged during normal mode and then the sensor is going to suspend mode.

    However, if the samples, required for averaging during normal mode, take longer time than 1/ODR (output data rate), then the accelerometer low power mode is not possible. Users need to use normal mode instead.

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