Yes, I followed those instructions. After loading a new bmeconfig onto the SD card and plugging it into the development kit, the device does not record data. Page 27 of the datasheet (see attached) states that the red LED blinks every 2 seconds when recording data. Mine blinks much more rapidly. Is there something else I need to do? The bme688 development kit datasheet describes a possible solution. However, I have a MacBook, and so these instructions will not work for me. If you start with a new Adafruit HUZZAH32 board, which is not yet programmed, you can flash it by following these steps: 1) Download the dev-kit software from 2) Copy the *.bmeconfig file on the microSD card 3) Place microSD card and CR1220 coin cell into dev-kit board and stack it on the Adafruit board 4) Connect the board to PC via micro-USB data cable 5) Run “flash.bat” on PC by choosing the right COM port
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