Thank you for reference code, I updated my code with help of yours: #include "bmi160_wrapper.h"
struct bmi160_dev sensor;
struct bmi160_sensor_data accel;
struct bmi160_sensor_data gyro;
struct bmi160_foc_conf foc_conf;
struct bmi160_offsets offsets;
struct bmi160_int_settg int_config;
int8_t resultDebug;
int8_t BMI160_init() {
int8_t rslt; = 0;
sensor.intf = BMI160_I2C_INTF; = SensorAPI_I2Cx_Read;
sensor.write = SensorAPI_I2Cx_Write;
sensor.delay_ms = HAL_Delay;
sensor.read_write_len = 32;
rslt = bmi160_soft_reset(&sensor);
rslt = bmi160_init(&sensor);
uint8_t reg_addr = BMI160_CHIP_ID_ADDR;
uint8_t chipID = 0;
uint16_t len = 1;
rslt = bmi160_get_regs(reg_addr, &chipID, len, &sensor);
printf("BMI160 init succesful, Chip ID (must be 209): %d\r\n", chipID);
/* Select the Output data rate, range of accelerometer sensor */
sensor.accel_cfg.odr = BMI160_ACCEL_ODR_800HZ;
sensor.accel_cfg.range = BMI160_ACCEL_RANGE_8G;
/* Select the power mode of accelerometer sensor */
sensor.accel_cfg.power = BMI160_ACCEL_NORMAL_MODE;
sensor.delay_ms(100); = BMI160_ACCEL_BW_NORMAL_AVG4;
/* Select the Output data rate, range of Gyroscope sensor */
sensor.gyro_cfg.odr = BMI160_GYRO_ODR_800HZ;
sensor.gyro_cfg.range = BMI160_GYRO_RANGE_500_DPS;
/* Select the power mode of Gyroscope sensor */
sensor.gyro_cfg.power = BMI160_GYRO_NORMAL_MODE;
sensor.delay_ms(100); = BMI160_GYRO_BW_NORMAL_MODE;
/* Set the sensor configuration */
rslt = bmi160_set_sens_conf(&sensor);
rslt = start_foc();
printf("FOC Debug: %d\r\n", rslt);
/* Select the Interrupt channel/pin */
int_config.int_channel = BMI160_INT_CHANNEL_1;// Interrupt channel/pin 1
/* Select the Interrupt type */
int_config.int_type = BMI160_ACC_GYRO_DATA_RDY_INT;// Choosing Any motion interrupt
/* Select the interrupt channel/pin settings */
int_config.int_pin_settg.output_en = BMI160_ENABLE;// Enabling interrupt pins to act as output pin
int_config.int_pin_settg.output_mode = BMI160_DISABLE;// Choosing push-pull mode for interrupt pin
int_config.int_pin_settg.output_type = BMI160_DISABLE;// Choosing active low output
int_config.int_pin_settg.edge_ctrl = BMI160_ENABLE;// Choosing edge triggered output
int_config.int_pin_settg.input_en = BMI160_DISABLE;// Disabling interrupt pin to act as input
int_config.int_pin_settg.latch_dur = BMI160_LATCH_DUR_NONE;// non-latched output
/* Set the Any-motion interrupt */
rslt = bmi160_set_int_config(&int_config, &sensor); /* sensor is an instance of the structure bmi160_dev */
return rslt;
int8_t start_foc()
int8_t rslt = 0;
/* Enable FOC for accel with target values of z = 1g ; x,y as 0g */
foc_conf.acc_off_en = BMI160_ENABLE;
foc_conf.foc_acc_x = BMI160_FOC_ACCEL_0G;
foc_conf.foc_acc_y = BMI160_FOC_ACCEL_0G;
foc_conf.foc_acc_z = BMI160_FOC_ACCEL_POSITIVE_G;
/* Enable FOC for gyro */
foc_conf.foc_gyr_en = BMI160_ENABLE;
foc_conf.gyro_off_en = BMI160_ENABLE;
rslt = bmi160_start_foc(&foc_conf, &offsets, &sensor);
if (rslt == BMI160_OK)
printf("\n FOC DONE SUCCESSFULLY\r\n");
printf("\n OFFSET VALUES AFTER FOC : ");
printf("\n OFFSET VALUES ACCEL X : %d ",offsets.off_acc_x);
printf("\n OFFSET VALUES ACCEL Y : %d ",offsets.off_acc_y);
printf("\n OFFSET VALUES ACCEL Z : %d ",offsets.off_acc_z);
printf("\n OFFSET VALUES GYRO X : %d ",offsets.off_gyro_x);
printf("\n OFFSET VALUES GYRO Y : %d ",offsets.off_gyro_y);
printf("\n OFFSET VALUES GYRO Z : %d\r\n",offsets.off_gyro_z);
printf("FOC failed\r\n");
/* After start of FOC offsets will be updated automatically and
* the data will be very much close to the target values of measurement */
return rslt;
//BMI160_t *dataStruct
int8_t bmi160ReadAccelGyro(){
int8_t rslt;
rslt = bmi160_get_sensor_data((BMI160_ACCEL_SEL | BMI160_GYRO_SEL), &accel, &gyro, &sensor);
printf("Accel X: %d\r\n", accel.x);
printf("Accel Y: %d\r\n", accel.y);
printf("Accel Z: %d\r\n", accel.z);
printf("Gyro X: %d\r\n", gyro.x);
printf("Gyro Y: %d\r\n", gyro.y);
printf("Gyro Z: %d\r\n", gyro.z);
printf("* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\r\n");
return rslt;
} Both FOC and Interrupt pin seems working. I measured the INT1 pin with an oscilloscope. In the example code I posted above, I set the ODRs to 800 Hz. I got values close to exactly 800 Hz from the oscilloscope. Everything seems to be working fine now. Could you check the code too? Would it be healthier to read Accel and Gyro data from FIFO instead of reading the current method? I am also considering using BMI160 in quadcopter. Would FOC be a sufficient calibration for this or do I need a more detailed calibration? Thank you.
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