I would like to know the requirements to get to IAQ Accurace [3] with regards to contineous operation. While trying to figure how to save the state and configurations to external EEPROM, I noticed the state is only saved when IAQ Accuracy = 3. From the BSEC example file "basic_config_state.ino" /* Set a trigger to save the state. Here, the state is saved every STATE_SAVE_PERIOD with the first state being saved once the algorithm achieves full calibration, i.e. iaqAccuracy = 3 */ Does this mean if the power cannot be removed (for even a glitch) until the IAQ accuracy =3 ? So if my power had a peridic glitch (causing the micro to reboot) it might never reach an IAQ Accurach of = 3. I guess I could change the example code, but the designers chose this action for a reason. Does anyone know their thoughts ? Thanks
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