Hi, I'm using a BMI088 on the I2C bus of an embedded board. I'm using the BOSCH's driver from Github and everything works correctly, except the call to the function `bmi08a_load_config_file` that invalidates the status of the IMU, and I must reset it. If I remove the code relative to the function `bmi08a_load_config_file`from the examples (e.g. https://github.com/BoschSensortec/BMI08x-Sensor-API/blob/master/examples/read_sensor_data/read_sensor_data.c#L105-L110), I can get the data from the IMU with no problems. I used other BOSCH's IMUs in the past and the load of the config file was a procedure explicitly documented in the datasheet, while the datasheet of the BMI088 does not speak about it. Can someone provide me with more information? Thank you Walter
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