Hello everyone, i am working on a little project in times of COVID-19. My plan is to measure the IAQ(e.g. co2-equivalent in ppm) with the BME680. I already downloaded this Skript. I got to it over the manufactors's website: bme680_main.c (also in the attachment-section) my particular sensor-broad: Watterott.com/bme680 there you can find at the very bottom of the website the "bme680-raspberry"-link: Github.com to the GitHub-Page. i did the steps told there and the code provided there is already running without any problems, what means i can measchure temperature, pressure, humidity and gas-resistance. Now i would like to "include" the BSEC-Library to the Projekt running on my Raspberry Pi 3 B+, in order to calculate(I think this is it what the BSEC-library does) the ppm's. is there any possibility to make this work? please excuse me. I'm a) not the best english-speaker and b) not the most experienced programmer. Thank you for your help! best regards, Jeron Fischer
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