Measurement drift following a warm POR I have now manged to get the calibration data in & out of the BHI260AP. I also found what I was doing wrong with getting the sensor status meta data. Now I'm able to power the units up, re-load the calibation data & report the sensor status. On a cold POR (no calibation data) I place the sensor for a few seconds in each of the 6 planes. I then rotate the sensor in 360', then after (say) 10 seonds the sensor status reaches 3. I then save the data. & turn off. Now on a warm POR (with calibation data) I just need to move the sensor slightly & the sensor status reaches 3 straight away. Howeverm testing the acuracy I've found that from a warm POR it drifts. But if I stop the sensor (set the rate of 0Hz), read the calibration data & then re-start the sensor (set the rate to 25Hz) it stops drifting. During this test i donot move the senors. It is located outside sitting on a stone wall with no metal in close proximity. Commands used Enable orientation sensor: {0x2b, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc8, 0x41, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} Disable orientation sensor: {0x2b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} CMD for read ACC cal data: BHI260AP_CMD_GET_BSX_ACC_CAL (0x1201) // BSX Calibration state for Accelerometer CMD for read GYR cal data: BHI260AP_CMD_GET_BSX_GYR_CAL (0x1203) // BSX Calibration state for Gyroscope CMD for read MAG cal data: BHI260AP_CMD_GET_BSX_MAG_CAL (0x1205) // BSX Calibration state for Magnetomoter I really need some help with this. I know I will need to calibrate the SIC but during this test there on no metal nearby & I would not expect this to result in what I'm seeing
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