Hello! I wanted to use a BME680 with the ESPHome component that uses the BSEC library (klick) to monitor the IAQ value with my HomeAssistant. Since the BME688 was advertised as a drop in replacement and offered some cool new features i got the 688 instead. I set everything up, sensor readings where coming in and i put the senor in my bedroom. Since several days the IAQ quality indicator stays at "uncertain" and also the readings seem somewhat odd (going up when opening the window and going down when sleeping next to the sensor with closed windows). Because of this i checked the version of the used BSEC in the ESPHome Component, it is 1.6.1480. My Questions: Is the BME688 expected to work with BSEC 1.6 or might this be the reason why i am getting strange IAQ readings? Did the interface and way of calling the library changed from v1.6 to v2.x or might i get away with just replacing the library? Thanks very much in advance!
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