Hello Everyone, I am working with the BMX160 for a project and have some questions regarding its internal timer and the sensitivity spec on the gyro and magnetometer. Further explanation into any one of these would be appreciated. Timer 1. What is the accuracy of the internal timer? In 2.3 it mentions the sensor time as having a resolution of 39 us, but never specs the accuracy of the timer (in ppm or % for example). Gyro 2. Can I expect the gyro sensitivity error to be consistent across each axis on one particular chip? Or is the sensitivity error unique per axis? 3. Can I expect the gyro sensitivity errors to be comparable for all chips from the same production lot? 4. Does gyro sensitivity change due to anything other than temperature/voltage? We would like to model the sensitivity error for better results. 5. Does the relative sensitivity change with different dps ranges? Do we need to calibrate for every combination of dps-range and axis? Mag 6. Can I expect the mag sensitivity error to be the same across each axis on one particular chip? Or is the sensitivity error unique per axis? 7. Can I expect the mag sensitivity errors to be comparable for all chips from the same production lot? 8. Does mag sensitivity change due to anything other than temperature/voltage? We would like to model the sensitivity error for better results. Gyro sensitivity error means how much the chips deviates from the ideal degrees-per-sec per LSB. Could be % or offset. Mag sensitivity error means how much the chips deviates from the ideal uTeslas per LSB. Could be % or offset.
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