We have a product we have designed where we incorporated the BME280. We have paid attention to read and use the trim values in the chip and that seems to be working well, however, we have seen a temperature offset of around 1 to 3 deg in most of the devices. Once this offset is corrected, the device seems to be accurate across a wide range of temprature (checking it against a NIST certified device). My question is why do we have this offset since this should be taken care of with the factory calibration? In terms of self heat, I do not believe this is an issue of self heat because the PCB temperature next to the device seems to be at ambient temperature. To put things in perspective, ambient is 22, PCB temperature is 22 and sensor is reading 24. If required I can provide the code used for reading the trim values and how they are incorporated in the temperature reading process. Thanks
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