Hi Sudeep1310,
The temperature within the package is expected to increase with operation due to the heat dissipated by the gas sensor. The bias stabiliizes depending on the operating mode and ambient temperature. This sensor heat can be compensated for with the use of the BSEC algorithm.
It is however strange that the gas measurement readings are so low. My intial guess is that the sensor might be contaminated and hence suggest reading the HSMI manual.
Regarding the Status flags, it is a logic OR combination of the 3 flags,
#define BME680_NEW_DATA_MSK UINT8_C(0x80)
#define BME680_GASM_VALID_MSK UINT8_C(0x20)
#define BME680_HEAT_STAB_MSK UINT8_C(0x10)
and hence 0xb0 means that there was a valid gas measurement and the data is new (not a repeat), and the heater was stable. 0xa0 means that the heater was unstable for that measurement, basically signifying that there wasn't sufficient time to heat the gas sensor to the needed temperature. This is pretty common for a cold start and normally observed after a power on reset for the first measurement.
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